Tuesday, July 10, 2012

[CE] Making Logfiles and More

I'm sharing a few stuff today that could help a lot with capturing logs and messages. This is very useful if the system has complicated logging mechanism that it's more convenient to improvise one yourself.

Here's one scenario. Most big WinCE/Mobile system does not build debug images because this consume a lot of memory. But by default a lot of drivers have their debugging enabled only for DEBUG build. So what I do is define this on a specific file I want to debug:

#define DEBUGMSG(cond,printf_exp)   \
   ((void)((cond|1)?(NKDbgPrintfW printf_exp),1:0))

What it does is convert all debug messages to print even in retail build. You just need to define the debug zones used by that module.

#define ZONE_WARNING 1

Another way for better monitoring of functions and code lines is to add function names and line numbers to your RETAILMSG. Ex.

// declaration
#define DUMMY_DBG(fmt,p1,p2,p3)     RETAILMSG(1, (TEXT("[File : %s][fn : %s ][line : %d]") TEXT(fmt), TEXT(__FILE__),TEXT(__FUNCTION__), __LINE__, p1, p2, p3)) // Marlon : debugging
    RETAILMSG(1,(TEXT("Marlon Comment: Entered: %s\r\n"), TEXT(__FUNCTION__))); // Marlon
// usage
  DUMMY_DBG("entry",0,0,0); //Marlon : debugging

  DUMMY_DBG("exit",0,0,0); //Marlon : debugging

Another useful way in debugging especially with early driver development if to check which drivers are currently running. So here's what you can do:

#include "bldver.h"

void EnumerateRunningDrivers( void )

                HANDLE hDriver;
                DeviceSearchType DeviceSearch = DeviceSearchByLegacyName;
                DEVMGR_DEVICE_INFORMATION DeviceInfo;

                DeviceInfo.dwSize = sizeof( DEVMGR_DEVICE_INFORMATION );
                hDriver = FindFirstDevice(DeviceSearch, L"*", &DeviceInfo);
                if( hDriver != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE )
                                RETAILMSG( 1, (TEXT("Legacy     Key      Name   BUS\n")));
                                                RETAILMSG( 1, (TEXT("%s %s %s %s\n"),
                                                                DeviceInfo.szBusName ));

                                } while( FindNextDevice( hDriver, &DeviceInfo ) );
                                FindClose( hDriver );
                RETAILMSG( 1, (TEXT("Cannot find drivers Windows CE Version doesn't support function\n")));

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